
Posh Mobile Micro X S240 - the smallest smartphone in the world

Posh Mobile Micro X S240 Smartphone

While phones have grown like teenagers in recent years (growth has slowed down a bit lately), Chinese brand Posh Mobile has gone in the opposite direction and launched the world's smallest smartphone – the Posh Mobile Micro X S240, a compact phone that's no bigger from a credit card!

Posh Mobile Micro X S240 it is the smallest smartphone in the world, which is no larger than a credit card. The compact boasts with a 2.4-inch screen (writing longer messages is therefore eliminated), a 2-core gigahertz processor, 512 MB of system memory (the operating system was installed on it Android 4.4 KitKat) and 4 GB of memory.

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The Posh Mobile Micro X S240 smartphone is available in four colors.
The Posh Mobile Micro X S240 smartphone is available in four colors.

The Posh Mobile Micro X S240 phone battery delivers 180 hours of autonomy in standby mode (or 4 hours of continuous conversations), the digital camera with a resolution of 2 million pixels takes care of the recordings, and for video conferences the front VGA camera. It is available in white, black, turquoise and pink. How will it be in an age in which the diagonal of the screen is still the main criterion for buying a phone, found a dwarf, time will tell.

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