
A Tibetan personality test that will blow your mind!

Be honest and don't cheat.

The mind is like a parachute: it works best when it's open. Grab a pencil and paper and write down your answers. Check the results at the end.

You will learn what kind of person you are and what your priorities are in life.

Answer in order. The best answer is the one that comes to your mind first.


1. You have 5 animals in front of you: cow, tiger, sheep, horse and pig.
Rank them in order from the one you like the most to the one you like the least.

2. Write one word that you associate with a particular animal.

The dog is _____________.
The cat is ___________.
The rat is __________.
Coffee is _____________.
The sea is ____________.

3. Think of 5 people in your life who are important to you and associate each of them with the color that reminds you the most.

The first part of the task is done, now look at the solutions.


1. A cow represents a career.
Tiger confidence.
Sheep love.
Horse family.
Pig money.

2. A dog describes your personality.
A cat describes a partner.
A rat describes enemies.
Coffee describes your attitude towards sex.
The sea describes your life.

3. Yellow describes a person you will never forget.
Orange describes a person who is a true friend.
Red describes the person you love.
White describes your soul mate.
Green describes a person you will remember for the rest of your life.

What are your test results? Are you satisfied?

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