
A trick to drive moths out of the closet in a natural way

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Have you ever opened your closet to take out your favorite clothes only to find moths and holes in them? How to expel moths from cupboards?

Did you know that it is possible to get rid of moths in a natural way? Moths are a common nuisance and can cause a lot of damage to clothes, carpets, blankets and other textile products.

When we notice the signs of their presence, it is important to we act quickly and efficiently, to prevent further damage.

Pray usually hide in dark, damp and poorly ventilated areas, such as closets, pantries and hallways. You can recognize them by their small size holes in clothes, traces of feces that resemble dust, and a musty or moldy odor.

Cute but annoying moths. Photo: Pixabay

How to drive moths out of the closet?

Thorough cleaning of cupboards

It is important to clean the cupboards regularly and thoroughly to remove any existing moths and their larvae and to prevent their reappearance. This includes removing all clothing, carpets or other textiles from the closet and vacuuming and wiping the inside of the closet with warm soapy water.

Using natural means to repel moths

Natural remedies are an excellent alternative to chemical insecticides in repelling moths.

Cloves. Photo: Pixabay


Lavender emits a strong scent that repels moths. You can put dried lavender flowers in bags or small pillows and place them in closets among clothes.

Essential oil sprays

Essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, cedar and rosemary have natural repellent properties that repel moths. Sprays containing these oils are safe for use in closets and will not harm clothing or other textiles.

Citrus fruits

The peels of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges emit a scent that repels moths. You can cut them into pieces and place them in your cupboards or use citrus essential oils to make a natural spray.


Cloves have a strong smell and repel moths. You can put them in bags or small pillows and place them in cupboards.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf has a strong smell and repels moths and other insects. You can put it in bags or small pillows and place it in closets.

Make your closet a safe home for your clothes. Photo: Pixabay

Removing moths from the closet and preventing their reappearance requires some effort and regular measures. Do not forget regularly clean and ventilate the cupboards and watch for signs of moths so you can act quickly to prevent further damage.

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