
A woman can love a man even though she will never speak to him again

Photo: envato

Women are often underestimated. They are fragile, but at the same time very strong. Their strength is not as obvious and visible as that of men, but it is one of the strongest things in the world.

Sometimes that strength is put to the test just to show how strong you really are.

When you decided not to reply to his text, that was the moment you chose myself you chose to be strong.

That was the moment you showed self respect. You said no to something that isn't good for you even though you still love him. You love him, but you can't change him. You know deep down that he's not right, but that doesn't help you feel any less sad.

Despite everything he's done to you, you still wish him well. But that doesn't include the best thing I could have - you.

You finished the story with someone who played with your emotions, with someone who neglected you and was disrespectful.

This person doesn't see your worth and doesn't make an effort to show you their love. Love is not regret, love is change for the better.

Stand up for yourself. Photo: Christian Ferrer / Unsplash

You've had enough of stupid excuses and waiting for answers. Now you are the one who is silent.

You forgave him several times and gave him another chance and forgave again and finally left. It's about loving and then letting go immense power. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of pain involved. Feeling pain is inevitable, but you can't let it destroy you.

If a man does not treat you well, if he abuses you, he does not deserve your attention or love. It sounds simple, but it's hard to walk away and get over it, it hurts, it hurts a lot.

You just can't turn on or off, though you wish it were that simple to turn off your emotions. It doesn't work. The more you delay the breakup, the more pain you will bring on yourself.

There is a chaos of feelings inside you, but you know very well what you have to do. For myself. Not for him. For myself.

Don't be fooled by his sudden outbursts of love, he just wants to regain his power over you so he can do the same things he did before. The things that got you to where you are. Wounded.

I know you're thinking about all the good times you two had. How wonderful he was when he was in a good mood, about the things he promised you, about the life you imagined.

He's not right for you, back off. Photo: Krists Luhaers / Unsplash

It didn't turn out the way you wanted, but on the other hand - I hope you know it's for the best. Sometimes things happen in life to teach you what you don't need. No matter how much you want it, you don't really need it.

When you learn that everything you need is already inside you, you know you did the right thing by leaving. You deserve more. Don't be afraid of new beginnings and don't be afraid of being alone. Trust yourself and your heart.

Stand up for yourself and say goodbye to things that question your security and self-worth. No man should make you feel inferior. If that happens, cut him out of your life. Don't return his calls. Don't reply to messages. Love him, but love yourself even more.

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