
Ab crack - a new unhealthy beauty trend

Beauty trend - abdominal cleft

The gap between the thighs, the "thigh gap" (the thighs do not touch when the feet touch), the bikini bridge, the "bikini bridge" (the space between the bikini and the lower part of the abdomen, which is created when we lie on our backs), and now the abdominal channel or the "ab crack". Bizarre, and above all, unhealthy beauty trends that no one wants to catch seem to be mushrooming. Just as the distance between the legs is mainly an anatomical feature and not a sign of vitality and health, the abdominal cavity is also an unrealistic beauty trend that we should ignore.

Ab crack it is new an unhealthy beauty trend, which is wreaking havoc on the web. Experts for a healthy lifestyle and doctors warn of the negative consequences of pursuing such beauty ideals, which are strictly aesthetic in nature. And what is abdominal canal?

We may or may not have a cleft palate.
We either have an abdominal canal or we don't.

Abdominal canal is the vertical line between the breast and the navel, which we professionally call linea alba (spacing between the abdominal muscles) and is genetically determined, although celebrities give the impression of the opposite, that it is a beauty ideal that can be achieved. But you will not achieve this, no matter how hard you try, if mother nature did not gift you with a certain shape of muscles. That's why you can get different exercises flat stomach or emphasize certain abdominal muscles, if that's what you want, on your own muscle shapes but (unfortunately or fortunately) you cannot change it.

READ MORE: Beauty trends of the future: how will we wear makeup in 2110?

Emily Ratajkowski is the standard bearer of this unhealthy trend.
Emily Ratajkowski is the standard bearer of this unhealthy trend.

That's why we put it on your heart, yes ab crack, this unhealthy beauty trend, leave it alone, just like that distance between thighs and bikini bridge, because such beauty goals are not realistic and never will be, on top of everything can seriously endanger our health. We would love to be fit until summer? Here is one of the simpler and healthier ways.

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