Let this year's beginning of the year be even more special. May life be easy and full of joy. Treat yourself to an Access bars treatment that can help you reach your full potential. You can influence everything that is not working in your life.
Access Consciousness™ is a collection of tools, techniques and processes that enable us to become more aware and thus have greater creative and creative power to start changing everything we want in our lives.
Access Bars® is a basic Access technique used to facilitate these changes. Barsi have a streak of 32 points on their head. The system of action is similar to the stimulation of acupuncture points on our body: when we press them, we release the energy blockage in the meridians, which causes the healing of our body. With this technique, the therapist activates 32 points on the head with a light touch, where information, attitudes and our beliefs about e.g. relationships, money, health, body, joy, sadness, etc. Our thoughts are the cause of blockages in various areas. By activating the point, blockages and tensions begin to be released, which in turn leads to healing effects on the physical body as well as in all other areas where blockages are felt.
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