
Accessories for femme fatales

  In the newly opened jewelry store Zlatarnica, a special space has been dedicated to jewelry, which is surrounded by sparkling Swarovski stones. The jewelry is made of gold and other precious metals that symbolize wealth, and is decorated with luxurious stones in colorful shades and sophisticated cut crystals. Fashionable and stylish...


In the newly opened jewelry store Zlatarnica, a special space has been dedicated to jewelry, which is surrounded by sparkling Swarovski stones. The jewelry is made of gold and other precious metals that symbolize wealth, and is decorated with luxurious stones in colorful shades and sophisticated cut crystals. Fashionable and stylish jewelry is a perfect addition to femininity and a must-have accessory for every femme fatale. It is best to buy it in a set: necklace, bracelet, earrings.


Zlatarnica store, Ljubljanska 90, Domžale, in www.swarovski.com


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