
An ad that kills mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus

An ad that kills mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus

Although we find most advertisements annoying, similar to mosquitoes, and we (at least in Slovenia and the capital) only accepted the appearance of citylights with difficulty, there are cases when we welcome this kind of advertising. A good example is The Mosquito Killer Billboard, which mimics the scent of a human to attract Zika-carrying mosquitoes, trap them, and never let them go.

Advertisement for a free-standing light display case citylight, ”The Mosquito Killer Billboard”, is the work of the agencies Posterscope and NBS. Its specialty is that it emits into the atmosphere human-like odors, thereby attracting infected mosquitoes even up to 4 kilometers away! For an even greater effect, the classic light of the advertising surface was replaced with fluorescent. The ad attracts mosquitoes, lures them into a trap (behind the screen) where they eventually die of dehydration. So it's not just people who fall for ads!

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This citylight kills hundreds of Zika-infected mosquitoes a day.
This citylight kills hundreds of Zika-infected mosquitoes a day.

The technology that powers the life-saving ad (the Zika virus namely, it brings severe deformations of the head and brain in newborns), is available for general use, but you can find it here.

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