
How do brands with Christmas ads affect our brains?

The Psychology of Christmas Ads

Photo: You Tube screenshot @Coca-Cola

Christmas ads are a staple of the holiday season, and some brands are so clever that it seems like the holidays don't exist without them.

As the holiday season approaches, holiday songs are blaring on the radio, and in the meantime, we are at every turn Christmas ads they remind us what we still have to buy. As noted in the article published on Psychology Today Christmas ads don't just tap into seasonal joys; they delve into the complex workings of our brains and the associations we have. Brands that consistently weave Christmas spirit into their ads aren't just selling products; they interfere with broader behavior that is rooted in the psychology of consumer behavior.

Christmas ads and psychology

Companies are building on the concept of Christmas and using it as a prototype for something more. This approach is a psychological maneuver that takes advantage of the powerful associative networks in our brains. For brands, Christmas thus becomes a stellar prototype for creating wider connections. An exemplary example is Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola since 1931, its brand has been intertwined with the holiday season. Although the company did not invent Santa Claus, it played an important role in shaping the modern image of the jolly uncle with a white beard and a red cap. Santa's iconic red outfit with white trim reflects the Coca-Cola brand and creates an indelible connection in our minds. Think Christmas and Coke is probably one of the first brands that comes to mind.

Of course, Coca-Cola is not the only one. British retail giant John Lewis he is a master of the art of using Christmas as a strategic tool. Although it doesn't have as long a Christmas history as Coca-Cola, John Lewis has created a real phenomenon with its annual heartwarming Christmas commercials. Since 2007, these ads have become a holiday tradition, winning the hearts of millions around the world. For John Lewis, Christmas is not just a season; is a strategic prototype for establishing emotional connections with the audience.

Christmas as a prototype of happiness

Christmas thus became more than just a time of the year; is the prototype of happiness. This is exactly why it works so well with brands like Coca-Cola. The holiday season is synonymous with joy and socializing. By associating their brand with these positive emotions during Christmas, companies build a strong bridge to the hearts of consumers.

While Christmas ads are undoubtedly a cultural phenomenon, a closer look reveals that it's not just about seasonal shopping and gifting. These ads are part of a broader strategic framework that continues beyond Christmas. Whole year. These ads use the psychology of association to create lasting connections with consumers. These ads aren't just for selling products; it's about embedding brands into the fabric of our cultural consciousness and creating a lasting impact that extends far beyond the last notes of the holiday jingle.

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