
Add this plant to your water: a miracle drink for your health and beauty

Refreshing water with added okra

Photo: envato elements

Have you heard of okra water? This simple yet miraculous drink has won the hearts of many for its incredible health benefits. With the arrival of summer, we are all looking for ways to refresh ourselves, and water with the addition of okra is the perfect answer to this need. Low in calories and rich in nutrients, okra not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also contributes to overall health.

How to prepare okra water?

Preparing okra water is easy and fast. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Take some fresh okra pods.
  2. Wash them thoroughly and cut off the tops.
  3. Cut them into small pieces.
  4. Put the okra pieces in a glass of water and let it sit overnight.
  5. In the morning, strain the water and drink it on an empty stomach.

Drinking okra water on an empty stomach allows the body to make the most of the nutrients and health benefits.

Health benefits of okra water

Okra water, also known as okra water, has many potential health benefits. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a nutrient-rich vegetable widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Here are some reasons why you should drink okra water:

  1. Rich in fiber: Okra contains soluble and insoluble fiber that helps regulate digestion, prevent constipation and maintain gut health. Fiber contributes to feelings of satiety, which can be helpful in weight management.
  2. Blood sugar control: Studies have shown that okra can help reduce blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial for people with diabetes, as the fiber and polysaccharides in okra slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.
  3. Antioxidant properties: Okra is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols. These compounds help fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  4. Anti-inflammatory action: Okra has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is beneficial for overall health and especially for people with inflammatory diseases.
  5. Improving skin health: Antioxidants in okra help maintain skin health, reduce signs of aging, and protect skin from damage caused by free radicals. Okra water can thus contribute to more radiant and youthful skin.
  6. Hydration: Like any water, okra water also contributes to the general hydration of the body, which is crucial for the normal functioning of all body systems. In addition to being refreshing, it helps keep you well hydrated throughout the day.

Cultivation of okra

When looking at beautiful okra flowers, many people first think of hibiscus, which is no coincidence, because okra or okra, as it is also called, belongs to the hibiscus family! This interesting plant with edible fruits that resemble pepperoni in shape is still quite unknown in our country. Do you know how it is grown and why it is used?

Okra is quite easy to grow and use, so it is also suitable for less experienced gardeners. Its beautiful flowers, which under good conditions remain throughout the season, are the reason why many people also grow it as an ornamental plant.

It is most often found in the southern parts of America, but its popularity has recently spread to other areas with a warmer climate. Originally, okra is a perennial plant, but in our country it is considered an annual, as it usually does not survive cold winter conditions.


Okra water is not only a refreshing drink, but also a true ally of your health and beauty. With simple preparation steps and regular consumption, you can reap the many health benefits this wonder vegetable has to offer. So why not try this simple yet effective potion today and see for yourself?

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