
adiFom Superstar: a new model of futuristic Adidas Superstar sneakers

Photo: Adidas

Adidas has released the latest model called the adiFom Superstar, which was heavily inspired by the trend of deliberately inconspicuous shoes and the once again popular clogs. The new Adidas sneakers are freed from the given frames and ideas of what classic sneakers should look like, they don't even have laces, but are worn like flip-flops.

Supergen adiFom Superstar are made of degradable materials

The adiFom Superstar sneakers are made of 50 percent biodegradable elements (foam production from sugar cane derivatives.), therefore they belong to a new generation of sports footwear, which was created for those who want to take care of the environment in all aspects of their lives. Due to the futuristic materials, the sneakers are much softer and more flexible than the original Superstar model, which is quite stiff due to the cap itself.

The adiFom Superstar sneaker is already on sale worldwide, but only in select stores and online stores.
Photo: Adidas
Price: $109.

Futuristic Adidas sneakers are laceless

They are available in black and white colors, to fit all fashion combinations, from sporty to street style combinations to those in sport luxe style. The new Adidas sneakers are freed from the given frames and ideas of what classic sneakers should look like, they don't even have laces, but wear shoes like flip flops.

Photo: Adidas
Photo: Adidas

Some find them visually off-putting and yes they resemble fins, others that the iconic Adidas Superstar model should not be modified in this way, others welcome the progress in the field of ecology and the fashion experiment undertaken by the sports brand Adidas, as well as the sense of humor that is woven into this futuristic model.

The most popular models of adidas Superstar sneakers

Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-26 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

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