
Agazzi: fingerprint backpack

Are you worried that thieves will steal your backpack during a moment of inattention? Thanks to the Agazzi backpack, which in addition to the fingerprint lock boasts a whole range of convenient functions, you can stay calm.

Company Agazzi Designs has unveiled a new line Agazzi backpacks, suitable for everyday use. These give you features you didn't even know you needed.

Agazzi backpacks were designed according to the guideline to help people with dealing with the everyday problems of the modern world. Manufacturers are sure that their backpack is also the last one you will buy, so they guarantee it lifetime warranty.

The model offers the most functions Agazzi Pro, which can boast of the possibility of locking with a fingerprint, built-in charger and internal and external lighting. It includes just 15 pockets, which jointly offer 23 liters of storage space. It will not only protect your items from thieves, but also from water.

For the model Pro it is necessary to deduct at least 312 €, while the basic model Styles, which does not include lighting and a fingerprint lock, is already available for 173 €. If you are convinced by the project, you can support it at Kickstarter.

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