
A deal worth its weight in gold: 6 promises happy couples make to each other

Happy couples have a special relationship based on mutual love and care, as well as golden promises that both partners keep at all times.

Although every relationship is different, there are some agreements, which are universal for most couples, who want to achieve a healthy relationship. Key agreements are important to achieve at the beginning of the relationship, because this is the only way they will ensure a long-lasting and good relationship.

It's understandable that they'll break the deal at some point, but it's a key feature of any relationship EFFORTif it's worth fighting for, they won't just give up.

6 golden promises that happy couples make to each other:

A promise to support each other.
They themselves know that support is important when they set a specific goal. Giving it to each other makes it so much more heartfelt and drives you forward.

A promise to respect each other's family and friends.
It is impossible for you to love every person in this world, but you have to curb your emotions - even if you don't like a person, you can respect him. Especially if your better half adores this person.

A promise to accept each other's flaws.
Clearly, there will be things you don't like about each other. It's moments like these that remind you of the things that make you love each other.

A promise to respect each other.
A promise to respect each other.

A promise to have an understanding of the events of each other's past.
They may not be proud of some things, but they need to be openly discussed. Such things should not be discussed in the future.

A promise to always think of each other.
Even when you are separated for a long time, you must show with your behavior that you love and care about each other.

A promise to respect each other.
Respect is probably the most important thing in any couple's relationship. The easiest way to show each other respect is through honesty and communication. Always speak boldly to the other person, because this way your relationship will be of high quality even when you are faced with disagreements.

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