
Alenka Dovžan: "Unwavering support is a great motivation."

After the end of this year's ski season, the athletes embarked on a well-deserved break, which is followed by preparations for the coming winter. This promises the Winter Olympic Games PyeongChang 2018, which will be the 23rd in a row and the eighth for independent Slovenia. So far, there are 15 medals from the Winter Olympics in Slovenia. Do you remember the first one?

First Olympic medal for Republic of Slovenia had a bronze sheen. She deserves credit for this historic milestone Alenka Dovžan, who won third place in the combination in the fairytale Lillehammer in 1994 at the age of eighteen. The once fierce Slovenian woman remembers her skiing beginnings like this: "I only started skiing when I was 12 years old. I remember performances in school competitions and matches in the Coca-Cola Cup. As a girl, my father told me not to bother with equipment, because the 'leg' is more important. Over the years, equipment and incentives from family, friends, teammates and sponsors became more and more important. Unwavering support is a great motivation for a young competitor to use his talent."

Society is also aware that training top athletes is a long-term process The Coca-Cola Company. It maintains the longest continuous relationship with the Olympic movement at the global level. By concluding a four-year sponsorship with the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - the Association of Sports Federations from 2017, Coca-Cola is spreading the Olympic spirit on Slovenian soil as well. With initiative 1TP5 Always support encourages Slovenian consumers to dare to dream the biggest dreams together with Slovenian sports heroes and, above all, to unconditionally support them in the realization of their dreams, in times of ups and downs.

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The content is provided by Coca-Cola Slovenia.
Author of the cover photo: Aleš Fevžar

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