
Alieno Arcanum: A 'robotic' car from another planet with incredible performance

There's a new beast on the horizon called the Alieno Arcanum. Hailing from Bulgaria, it aims to sweep away all its electric and petrol rivals. The company was founded in 2015, and their name comes from the Italian word ''alieno'', which of course means alien.

The electric super sports car will be produced in four versions. 'Basic' Alieno Arcanum he will have 2,610 horsepower, he will be followed by beasts with 3.482, 4.351 and 5,221 horsepower. The maximum speed that can be achieved with the Arcan will be 488 km/h, which is significantly more than we have been able to drive so far. The Alieno will be available for everyday road use as well as for the track and even inertia races. When they are in an endurance race 24 Hours of Le Mans driven by fully electric cars, the Alieno will also be ready for this prestigious race.

But that's not all, a complex system of electric motors will ensure that each wheel can be driven as far as it will go 6 electric motors, which means that the most powerful version of Arcanum will have some amazing ones 24 electric motors, and each of them will be managed independently from others. Like everything else, the torque numbers are incredible. These range from 4.440 to 8,800 newton meters. The system uses graphite lithium polonium a battery that will have a capacity of 60  to 180 kWh, which will be sufficient for up to 1,020 kilometers driven.

With all this power, of course, a huge amount of braking force is required. They will contribute just that three braking systems. Traditional hydraulic system, regenerative electric braking system and 'robotic' air braking system. It will even be available for an additional fee parachute, that the car will definitely on time stopped. Aliens will only be produced after pre-order, and the most basic version will have to be deducted 750,000 euros, and the most expensive one will cost 1.5 million euros. After you submit your order, you will have to wait from 18 to 30 months, so that you can finally get behind the wheel of yours 'alien'.

Image gallery: Alieno Arcanum

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