Photo: Chase Yi/Unsplash

All men talk about this type of woman they lose and cry for all their lives!

You must keep such a woman!

Love has a big heart, but not infinite. You will understand that you have a treasure in your hands, the value of which you have not yet discovered. That's also why it's important to read this write-up!

What kind of woman is she who would do more than others for her love?

She is the type of woman you won't appreciate at first. She tries too hard and is too approachable. She does not present you with any riddles and secrets, because she is sincere and a little sentimental. You'll take her attention and time for granted because she gives it to you so easily—you don't have to work hard to earn it. You won't be upset by her because you don't care how she feels. After all, she's like an open book - she gives answers immediately (and usually says "yes"), doesn't argue, makes plans, calls you and wants you to go everywhere together. He's trying too hard.

She is different and deserves to be treated with respect as she treats you (even though you don't deserve it). At first you will love all of this and try to treat her nicely because it all seems so easy. It is for her too because she is someone who thinks about your feelings. She is selfless, which is admirable. Gradually, you will start to take her kindness, availability, selflessness for granted, you will think that she will always be there and that she will tolerate all your mistakes. You will become careless. You will stop responding to her messages, you will reject her calls. You will begin to perceive it as predictable and even tiring. You will experience her kindness and enthusiasm as binding.

Something in you will start to resist all this kindness and you will feel limited. You will start to distance yourself and act irresponsibly, but she will continue to be nice and care about you and wonder what is going on with you.

You won't want to answer her questions because you don't know what to say. What's happening? You fall into the pattern of the hunter who caught what he wanted and now that he has the catch at home, it is not as wonderful as it was in the beginning. There is still a lot of game in the hunting grounds.

Why did she leave if she was always there?

You become like all those who have already hurt her. You become one of the men people don't have good words for. Men spoken of with frowns and pursed lips, harshly uttering the words: "Ah, this man".

She remains special and you don't feel challenged, to follow this particularity and respond to it with your own uniqueness. You get angry, you act spoiled, selfish and ignorant. The more she gives and the more she cares, the more you become a caricature of a selfish man. You don't like what you see about yourself, but it's somehow her fault. Something in you just wants to humiliate and destroy her so that she is not better than you. She is no saint, but in order to prove it to yourself, you will become the most miserable man who conforms to all the stereotypes that describe male emotional misery. This is how you will push her away from you, and eventually you will succeed.

She knows what you're doing, she's not stupid. But even if she loves you with all her heart, sooner or later she will remember that she loves herself above all. That it doesn't want to be your experiment, nor does it want to feed on the crumbs of your attention. She knows she deserves more and a better person, but for a very long time she will try to give you every opportunity to become someone she wants and deserves. And then she will have enough, she will turn quietly, without drama and long explanations, and disappear from your life.

She gave you too many chances, she invested everything she had in you and now she's done with it. You will not be able to understand that this is final and that you have led to this with your undeveloped behavior. You simply exhausted her, she got tired of insisting.

You brought her to the point where she feels pity for you instead of love (before that she went through a whole series of complicated feelings and suffered a lot), and you didn't even realize what was going on inside her (because you didn't care how she felt) . And when you realize that you haven't heard from her in a while, that you haven't received any messages, you call her. Find out that your call is blocked. You are surprised. Why? How is it not available now, when it was available in every way until practically yesterday? You crossed her limits, you broke through her incredibly high threshold of tolerance. You lost her.

If you meet her, she will be friendly but distant. You'll feel like you've met someone you don't know. And it's true, you didn't know her. It was too quickly taken for granted. You thought she was uninteresting and offered no challenge.

You have no idea who he is and feel that you have lost something precious in your life. Then you start to regret it, because you see what a treasure you let slip through your fingers. At night, you'll be thinking about why you didn't appreciate her the way she deserves. Wallow in self-pity and tell yourself that you are stupid for showing her all your bad and horrible sides and she was still good to you and saw the best in you. She stood by you while you sulked and ignored her.

You will remember all the lies you told her and realize that she knew about them but didn't tell you just so she wouldn't humiliate you. She tolerated your ego and your need to dominate and your rudeness. She never asked you to give her what she deserved, what she wanted. If she had, she would have set boundaries, called you to account, blackmailed you, then maybe it would have been different. But that's not her level. And if you don't know that and you need someone to tighten your leash, then you're not her level either.

You will see how much effort she put into your relationship and that you did not put even a quarter. How many times have you turned down her suggestions and refused to fulfill her requests? But she was still there for you when you needed her. She never rejected you. She loved you unconditionally and supported everything you did. Despite how you treated her.

You won't be able to get her back because she doesn't leave the door closed. People who do their best always do their best and then get over it and move on.

She will be in love again and happy because she will have someone by her side who may have already learned the lessons that you are just learning in a similar way. Or it will be with someone who does not run away from love.

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