
We all get in the way: heat slows our brains down by 13 percent

We all get in the way: heat slows our brains down by 13 percent

When that 'real' hellish heat sets in, it eludes us rationally, makes us sleepy, tired and often reluctant. But we persistently convince ourselves that it is not possible that the scorching sun is to blame for this. Harvard scientists confirm that heat is the actual 'culprit' for the slowing down of our brain.

The heat won't help you think, noted in a Harvard study, in which they dealt with the effect of heat on the brain. During the 12-day summer period in 2016, it is 22 students lived in a building with air conditioning, the remaining 22 without air conditioning.

Everyone had to perform in the morning, directly after sleeping two cognitive tests on their phones, which measured cognitive speed, inhibitory control, and working memory.

What did the results show?
What did the results show?

Students with air conditioning worked unhindered, but students without air conditioning had to 13.4 percent worse response time and they are for 13.3 percent performed worse on cognitive tests compared to students who took the tests in the climate.
Scientists thus find that socio-economic factors have an impact on an individual's life: if you are financially weaker to afford air conditioning, this can have an impact on your educational (career) path and the results.

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