
Almost clairvoyant: people in 1989 imagined that our lives would be exactly like this in 2020!

A remarkable viral video from the former BBC show Tomorrow's World shows how people in 1989 imagined the future, specifically the year 2020. And their predictions are much more accurate than you might imagine.

In the 1980s, science fiction films and series were extremely popular. When asked, what the future holds in 2020, but they are scientists generally thought differently than ordinary people. They saw the future much more pessimistically.

The people, apparently still under the impression of the movies, were worried about us excessive robotization enslaved and subjugated us in Terminator style. Let's not even talk about nuclear war, because the fear after the Cold War has somehow been preserved. Still others predicted a scenario from the movie Wall-E, according to which we will be human have become lazy due to excessive help from robots, thick and unable to live independently. However, the current situation is much more affected by the scientists who are on the BBC show Tomorrow's World predicted future trends.

Episode from the year 1989 it is described quite accurately, what will be possible to do in the house of the future. It's true that most of us don't have such houses, but if we decide, we can Let's turn our own home into a smart home today, which will be quite similar to the one from the said episode. They announced that we would order music playback with a voice command, which we have been able to do for several years with smart speakers and their assistants. A smart house through artificial intelligence it also learns which rooms we use the most and heats them more than others based on this. It can be light for us they turn off via motion sensors, so we don't have to always look for the switch.

The mere idea that appliances such as a hair dryer can be a bit high-flying lean it anywhere on the wall and supply it with electricity. This means installing the induction coil in the wall, which means that in practice such a large wireless charger would literally burn us. Batteries are currently a smarter solution.

The most surprising thing is to listen to the opinions of the presenters in the show, who even then warned about the importance of equipping homes with materials that will better thermally insulate the house. Energy leakage means more heating, which in turn greater contribution to global warming. The subject that is still relevant and whose consequences we still feel today.

A couple of days ago, the news that 21° Celsius was measured in Antarctica was surprising
A few days ago, the news that 21 degrees Celsius was measured in Antarctica was surprising.

Technological breakthroughs happen almost every day, and with them we keep hope for a better future. The gene therapy that saved little Kris months ago and that scientists had already dared to predict in the 1980s, was considered science fiction years ago. Likewise, so many years ago, they could not have imagined that they would cars drive themselves and that we will have a device in our pocket that is a million times more powerful than that, which put the first man on the moon. We may not have floating cars or residential neighborhoods on Mars yet, but we will slowly get there.

SpaceX is currently working hard to put a man on Mars
SpaceX is currently working hard to put a man on Mars.

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