
Aloft: a speaker that takes up so little space that you'll barely notice it


Sound systems certainly add to the home entertainment. Their downside is that they usually take up a lot of space. This claim certainly does not apply to the new speaker, which impresses with its practicality.

New York furniture designer Hyeonil Jeong presented its innovation that will contribute to better utilization of space in your home. The speaker he named Aloft, can be attached under shelves, on the wall and on many other objects.

The new product will be particularly convenient for use in small spaces. Thanks to its unique design, Aloft will occupy a small space, while remaining almost invisible.

The speaker is equipped with Bluetooth wireless system and rechargeable battery. Jeong focused mainly on the design ease of installation. It is up to the user to decide whether to attach it under the shelf or place it on a flat surface.

Aloft will be available in several color versions. Customers will be able to choose between pink, blue, black and turquoise speakers.

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