
Down the white slopes with Crazy Bob's sled

Sledding with the Crazy Bob sled can be a very special winter experience for every little one. Winter will soon be knocking on our door, bringing the first snowflakes and snow, as well as new winter experiences and activities in the snow. Every child is certainly looking forward to the first whitewashed hills and descents...

Sledding with the Crazy Bob sled can be a very special winter experience for every little one.


Winter will soon be knocking on our door, bringing the first snowflakes and snow, as well as new winter experiences and activities in the snow. Every child is certainly looking forward to the first whitewashed hills and going down the white slopes with their sled. Baby Center has expanded its winter offer this year with a new sled model, the KHW Crazy Bob, which is an incredibly durable sled. They are also characterized by an innovative concept, sophisticated design, excellent navigation capabilities and an ergonomically designed front and rear part. The Crazy Bob sled is very light, and its assembly and folding is quick and easy. The sled is made of highly durable, cold-resistant material, and the built-in stainless steel runner enables optimal sliding properties and stability of the sled on all types of snow and at all heights. The KHW Crazy Bob sled is suitable for children from 5 years of age. Sleds are available in some Baby Center stores, as well as in the online store www.babycenter.si.



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