
Alpine A110 SportsX: Alpine for ski enthusiasts

Alpine A110 SportsX

The Alpine brand became famous in 1973, when they won the World Rally Championship with the A110 car. The brand was revived in 2017, and the new Alpine A110 proved to be one of the better sports cars. Now is the time for development and concepts, among which is the Alpine A110 SportsX.

Alpine A110 SportsX takes its inspiration from the A110 Rally model and is based on the current one A110 Pure. It boasts a reworked suspension that is raised for 60 mm and wider figure, which expanded for additional 80 mm.

A 'charged' figure and a two-tone combination white and black further brightens the colors ′roof′ rack for skis. The front part is more aggressive, and the fog lights are crossed out with X-om, which is another feature rally racing cars. Unfortunately, the Alpine SportX is just that unique concept, which may just indicate the arrival of a sports car that will have the characteristics of an SUV. We wish that was the case, as the SportsX looks straight forward excellent. We are sure that many car enthusiasts would like it wanted to have in my garage. Even if they are not at all enthusiastic about skiing.

Gallery: Alpine A110 SportsX

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