Pleasant, warm-hearted and kind people have less savings, more debt, are more likely to be late with their credit payments, and are more likely to experience bankruptcy.
Scientists have discovered, that there is a connection between a person's kindness and their financial situation. They are in research measured the connection between personality traits and financial status – they analyzed 78,000 money transactions made in Great Britain. The study involved 652 people who took a personality test and a happiness test.
Based on all the data obtained, they are formed different personality types according to their spending habits. By analyzing all the data obtained, they came to the conclusion that friendly people have thinner wallets, as well as more financial problems compared to other people.
Scientists note that this connection exists because such people are more likely to lend money or spend even when they are they cannot afford certain things.
In this context, scientists advise that such people should learn that lack of money causes many problems, so they should learn how to allocate themselves wisely.
A scientist Joe Gladstone and Sandra Matz have done yet two surveys, which are related to money and people's personality. Check, what type of person you are given their spending habits.
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