
An amazing trick to make pancakes even tastier

Photo: RitaE / Pixabay

Is there anything more delicious than soft, light pancakes spread with your favorite filling? If you're drooling, you're not the only one, as pancakes are considered one of the most popular desserts. Master chefs are always on the hunt for recipes to make them taste even better, and we reveal to you a trick that you can try yourself when preparing pancakes.

Pancakes can be prepared in a thousand and one ways. You can choose from American pancakes, strawberry and raspberry pancakes, soufflé pancakes and many more. They are dessert, which you can prepare in just 20 minutes, but you can enjoy an afternoon of testing new methods of its preparation. And if you enjoy baking pancakes, and even more, their taste, you will be happy to read a simple one a trick, with which you can make them even tastier.

Pancakes can be made very quickly, or you can spend all afternoon trying out new recipes Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

You don't need to change anything to make your pancakes even better no ingredients. Instead, focus on what you're going to bake them on. And the secret to success is oil, on which the bacon was first fried. It will give the pancakes an incredibly good taste.

It will be best if you use for frying fresh oil, that means fried bacon remove from pan and pour off the excess oil. Then in the same pan pour in the pancake mix and bake them as you normally would. Bon Appetit!

Recipe: American pancakes with apple sauce

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