
An artist who creates delicious dishes from old mattresses

Anyone can become an artist if they have enough imagination and creativity. Worn-out items that you no longer need can be turned into real works of art with a little effort.

French artist Lor-K has been making people aware of the importance for 8 years recycling of waste material. She succeeds in this by making urban sculptures, consisting of waste.

As part of his latest project "Eat Me” she 'cooked' delicious dishes straight from discarded mattresses, which she found on the streets of Paris.

After the mattress cuts and colors, places them in the places where she found them. People can see them right on the walking paths. Her work is probably best described with a word improvisation, as he adapts his creations to found waste.

Are you interested in which dishes were on the menu of the unique artist? We believe they will make you drool.


Maki sushi


A sandwich


Fish sticks

Like that

A cake

Fruit salad


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