
You and your partner are so similar because you are related, says science

Similarity between pairs can come from things that are distantly related.

You and your significant other definitely have a lot in common, a lot more in fact than you think. You've probably heard the urban myth that couples become more and more alike (including physically) over time, right? Well, according to science, this similarity is for a reason. And one of those is that you and your partner are actually related.

Before you start hyperventilating, let us explain.
A recent study, who passed at PLOS Genetics, researched whether in partnership we decide to physically similar people or opposites attract us. In a study where they compared DNA samples of partners, found that couples share a non-negligible share of genetic similarity. This has led to the assumption that humans choose partners who are with us they share the same ancestry.

READ MORE: In order to be happy, we have to change partners every 5 years

Similarity between pairs may arise from distant kinship ties.
Similarity between pairs may arise from distant kinship ties.

And why is this happening? In the past, people mostly reported with someone from their surroundings. These people were also often related. As this pattern repeated itself over a long period of time, these couples had children, then these couples had children, and so on.
But this pattern is smaller with each generation, because people we move less at home and look for love in different ways, such as social networks.
A bit odd, but fascinating, isn't it?

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