
An urban cottage that rises high above Athens

Rising at least two meters above the highest Athenian rooftops, the urban hut serves as a temporary refuge, offering its temporary residents a unique view that is otherwise difficult to experience in Athens.

The urban cottage, which measures a modest nine square meters, was conceived by the architects in response to a world ruled by ever-increasing urbanization Panos Dragonas and Varvara Christopoulou. The creators are convinced that in the 21st century there are no more remote locations suitable for a temporary escape. Everything is researched, recorded on a map and shared via social networks. Everything is public. The post-modernist individual is caught between mega-cities and digital computer space. A cabin overlooking an artificial landscape adorned with antennas, solar panels and insulating materials is thus an exceptional urban alternative to which we can escape when we want a peaceful retreat away from the modern world.

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