
Anamorphoses by Jonty Hurwitz and István Orosz: distorted works of art that are not

How it goes... in life everything depends on perception, on the point of view, how we look at things or what we believe. The London-based artist Jonty Hurowitz took advantage of this to the extreme, and his creations blow our minds. At first glance, it appears to be abstract art, where interpretation is left to the imagination, but when viewed from the right angle, the distortion turns into a sculpture that meets classical standards.

Jonty Hurowitz he used to create his works of art anamorphosis (transformation), a technique that demonstrates through the prism of optical laws spoiled or deceptive image, but under certain conditions it gets classic look. Although it sounds like something you've never seen before, anamorphic images (otherwise not works of art) are encountered every day. They are one markings on the road, which look round from the car, although they are actually oval.

From "Dali's" hand to the hand as we know it.
From "Dali's" hand to the hand as we know it.

You don't need a steel horse to admire Hurowitz. He that perception achieve with help cylindrical mirror and the sculpture only comes to life and reveals its true face only in the reflection and at the right angle. Art that is not there is. Really crazy.

READ MORE: Fine art suffered a severe blow! Here is a boxer who uses boxing gloves instead of a brush.

Hurowitz is not the only one who uses this technique. Hungarian is also in the club of anamorphists István Orosz, which also uses a cylindrical mirror, except that we see projections on it drawing and no sculptures.

You know that feeling when you have the feeling that someone is watching you? Well, that.
You know that feeling when you have the feeling that someone is watching you? Well, that.

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Jonty Hurowitz  István Orosz

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