Get the tissues ready, you'll need them. This short animated film is a real internet sensation and just what we need in today's world full of intolerance and hatred.
Short animated film In a Heartbeat created by 2 students at the Ringling College of Art and Design Beth David and Esteban Bravo. The film was part of their dissertation, but it became much more than just a school project.
We follow the story of a younger boy who is trying deal with emotions, which he cultivates to his handsome counterpart, a theme that animated films have not yet explored. In just 4 minutes, he sums up the experience of the LGBTQ community and shows it to be he has nothing to fear.
Beth and Esteban are on Kickstarter for what 5 times exceeded the originally budgeted and pledged funds they needed to produce the film, and their hard work continues to pay off.