
Android 15: 5 of the best Android innovations that will impress you on your smartphones

Discover how Android 15 improves your smartphone

Android 15
Photo: Jan Macarol / envato elements

Android 15 brings a series of small but thoughtful improvements that improve the user experience. In this article, we will introduce the top five features that the latest version of Android brings.

Android 15 is here, and while the changes may be smaller than in previous versions, they are still very important to improve the user experience. Here are five of the best new features in this latest version

1# Private space: your privacy that prevents phone browsing

Private Space is a new feature that lets you create a hidden space on your phone to store private files, photos, and apps. It's the perfect way to keep your personal information safe and inaccessible to others, even if you're temporarily lending your phone to them. Here's how it works and how you can set it up:

To set a private space, open settings, select security and privacy, and activate private space. Follow the instructions to create a new password or use biometrics (fingerprint or face recognition) to access this hidden part of the phone.

Private Space acts as a separate user account within your phone. Once set up, you'll have access to a new, blank home screen where you can install apps and save files without them being visible in the main part of the phone. Apps and files stored in the private space are completely separate from those in your main user account, providing an additional layer of security.

One of the great advantages of the private space is the possibility of hidden notifications. When you receive a notification in a private space, it will appear as a general notification without revealing the content or source. This is especially useful if you often borrow your phone and want to keep your messages and other sensitive data private.

The private space is designed to be easily accessible and at the same time securely protected. When you want to use it, simply unlock the phone with your additional password or biometrics. If you want to switch back to your main user account, you can do it just as easily with a few taps.

If you lend your phone to someone, you won't have to worry about them finding your "top secret" content. Just turn on roaming mode and your phone will be like new without access to your private data. Guest mode works as a temporary profile that does not allow access to your apps, files or passwords stored in the main or private space.

2# Preview windows (widgets)

One of the most interesting new features in Android 15 is rich preview windows that allow you to see content in real time before adding it to your home screen. This feature allows you to get a better understanding of how widgets will look and work on your screen before you even place them.

Currently, this feature is only supported by a few Google apps, such as Clock and Weather, but this support is expected to expand to more Google and other apps soon. This feature is especially useful for apps where topical content is important, such as calendars, reminders, and to-do apps.

The preview windows work very easily. As you select a new widget, a preview will appear in real time, allowing you to see the actual data it will display. For example, when you add a weather widget, you'll see current weather conditions and forecasts, rather than the generic data you usually see when selecting widgets. The same applies to the clock, which will display the exact time and possible alarm settings.

This functionality brings a greater degree of personalization and practicality. Instead of having to repeatedly adjust and check whether the gadget meets your needs, you can now immediately see if what you have chosen is the right choice for you. This saves time and gives you better control over the look and functionality of your home screen.

It also makes it easier to manage and edit your screen. If you find that a certain gadget does not meet your expectations, simply remove or replace it before it is finally placed. This feature is especially useful for those who like to change the look of their phone frequently and try out different layouts and functionalities.

Google has announced that they will be expanding support for rich preview windows to more apps in future updates. We hope that third-party app developers will also adopt this feature and include it in their apps. This would allow for an even more diverse and customizable experience for Android users.

3# New volume sliders (widgets)

The new volume sliders in Android 15 are a major upgrade, now taking up almost the entire screen and clearly displaying all volume settings. This update brings a better overview of how loud each app is, allowing for more precise and easier sound management.

When you press the volume button, sliders appear on the screen that cover different aspects of the sound on your phone. You'll see separate sliders for media content, ringtones, notifications, and alarms, allowing you to adjust the volume of each individual audio source. So, for example, you can set the music volume to high while keeping ringtones and notifications at a lower level so they don't disturb you while you're listening.

In addition, the new design also includes visually clearly marked audio output sources, which means you can see where the sound is going - whether it's to the headphones, phone speakers or an external Bluetooth speaker. This feature allows you to quickly adjust if you want to redirect the audio to another device without having to dig through the settings.

One of the most convenient features of the new volume sliders is the ability to quickly access all audio settings with one touch. By clicking on the three dots next to the volume slider, you will be presented with a full menu of sound settings. Here you can set not only the volume, but also select the ringtone mode (eg vibrate, silent mode) and manage advanced audio features such as Live Caption.

Volume sliders are now more intuitive and responsive. Their larger size and better visibility means they're easier to access and use, even when you're in a hurry. In addition, the animations when adjusting the volume are smooth and fluid, which contributes to a more pleasant user experience.

4# Partial screenshots

Android 15 allows you to record only certain apps on the screen, instead of the entire screen. This is a great feature if you want to record just one app without revealing all the other things you're doing on your phone. With this feature, you can record tutorials without revealing your private information. Your friends will never know that you were actually browsing your gallery or replying to messages while you were making a "how to video" for Reddit.

The process is simple: when you start screen recording, you can choose to record only one app. You select the desired application and start recording. If you exit an app while recording and open another, the recording will not show this change, but will continue to record only the original app. This allows for more focused and professional recording without unnecessary distractions.

Partial screenshots they are ideal for educational purposes as you can prepare clean and clear recordings or presentations. They are also useful for sharing content on social networks or among colleagues without revealing sensitive information.

5# Smart notification vibration based on your phone's surroundings

The new vibrate mode in Android 15 uses the phone's microphone and sensors to adjust the vibration strength based on the environment. For example, the phone will vibrate more strongly if it is on a soft surface such as a sofa, and less strongly if it is on a hard surface such as a table. Who would have thought that your phone would know where it is placed and adjust accordingly? A real smart device!

In addition to adjusting according to the surface on which the phone is placed, the system also takes into account the noise in the surroundings. If there is a lot of noise around you, the phone will vibrate more strongly so that you can detect the notification. Conversely, in a quiet environment, the vibration will be gentler so as not to be distracting. This feature is especially useful when you're in a meeting or in the library where you don't want to be too distracted by notifications.

Smart notification vibrations also take into account the type of notification. For example, important notifications such as calls or messages from emergency apps will have stronger vibrations than notifications from social networks or games. This way, you can quickly find out which notifications are important without having to look at your phone screen.

This technology enables a more personalized and intuitive user experience, as the phone automatically optimizes vibrations according to your needs and circumstances. In addition, it reduces the need for manual adjustments to sound and vibration settings, which contributes to a more carefree use of the device.

With these advanced features, Android 15 continues to set the standard for smartphones that not only adapt to the user, but also actively improve everyday use with its intelligent solutions. Now your phone will not only be smart, but also sensitive to its environment and your needs.

Conclusion: A subtle improvement on a good base

Android 15 is full of small but very thoughtful improvements that make a significant contribution to a better user experience. Private space allows you to store your personal data safely and hide it from prying eyes. Rich preview windows let you see how your widgets will look and work before you add them to your home screen. New volume sliders bring more transparency and control over audio, and partial screenshots let you record only selected apps, improving privacy and professionalism. Smarter notification vibrations adapt to the environment and type of notification, ensuring that you never miss an important notification while maintaining peace in a quieter environment.

These subtle but significant changes show how Android 15 continues to put the user first, with improvements that are truly useful in everyday life. With Android 15, Google proved that it doesn't just take big changes to improve the user experience – sometimes it's the smaller, thoughtful improvements that make the biggest difference. Your smartphone is now even more intuitive, flexible and able to meet your needs in ways you never imagined before.

Which feature do you like the most? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks for reading and see you in the next article!

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