
Anxiety: Do you constantly worry that something bad is going to happen?

We have a solution for you!

Photo: envato

Are your thoughts constantly drawing fears, negative events? Are you constantly afraid and you don't even know why? Can't find a reason for your fear?

When stressful situations arise in life, our brain needs time to recognize the new stressful stimulus, to detect the thoughts and emotions that arise in response to it, and to adapt to what we perceive as threatening. The task of the brain is to keep us alive as long as possible, so it triggers an alarm under the influence of every new stressful situation.

Remember that the first reaction to stress is the strongest. Panic attacks may occur, but then it is important to realize that this condition will pass. Try to resist your feelings. Say out loud: "Yes, I'm really scared, I feel weak, I can't eat, sleep or think about anything else." When you become aware of your feelings, say, "But I know that it will pass soon, my anxiety will decrease in an instant."

Fear is conquerable. Photo: Anthony Tran/Unsplash

Each of us deals with our anxiety as best we can. Some want to survive such a situation alone, others go to their loved ones, others immediately seek a solution or consult a psychologist. Each in his own way returns his mind to a state of peace and control.

The most common fear we face is when we think about the future, develop intentions, visions, how something will look, what will happen.

Then there are worries, which are most often associated with uncertainty and pessimism. You ask yourself questions: "Will I be able to do this?" What if it goes, what's wrong?"

In fear, we are most afraid of losing a sense of control. Therefore, it is important to try to restore at least a minimal impact on what is happening to us. It is true that we cannot control our feelings, but we can influence our thoughts, which are the cause of most of our feelings and anxious reactions.

If you can't find the way, get help. Photo: Eric Ward/Unsplash

We can control our thoughts. We have no influence on what is happening. We cannot predict how this will all end. But we do influence our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our emotions and our emotions affect our actions.

How to reduce fear and anxiety:

  • Seek professional advice, such as a psychologist or psychotherapist.
  • Try not to read negative news, avoid negative people.
  • Give yourself the right to express your feelings as you wish (without judgment or inhibition).
  • If you have a chance to take a break, watch a movie with your family, or do something that normally makes you happy, do it.
  • Practice relaxation techniques.
  • Do what calms you down and makes you happy.

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