When the weight of your burden seems too heavy to bear. When your wounded heart and tired soul make you wonder if you'll ever be okay again. When the pain mercilessly eats away at you. When you're on the verge of breaking down. When it all gets too much...
Don't forget about yourself. Close your eyes and surrender to the silence, the silence within. In the midst of the chaos, take some time to be alone and sit alone with your thoughts. Breathe in acceptance, peace and optimism. Feel the air fill your lungs and slowly spread throughout the rest of your body. Exhale the condemnation, resentment, and resistance to this current situation you are in. No matter how bad and painful it is, be gentle with yourself.
What happened happened. There is no point in getting angry or giving in to the frustration that is building up inside you. Allow yourself a moment of sadness and take as much time as you need. Disconnect from social networks to get rid of all unwanted distractions. Accept your loneliness and be in tune with your feelings. Eat positivity and surround yourself with people you love.
Do you ever feel like there is no hope left, that all is lost?
When your life plunges into total darkness and you do nothing to make it different. You surrender to a lost moment, time. You feel completely, completely alone.
He came out of this experience stronger than ever. You will believe that life is beautiful and build your hopes and dreams, because you are the creator of your own destiny.
Are you ever tired of feeling stuck in life? Do you think disaster is the new normal? Don't you believe that something good can happen to you?
Then remember that it's never too late to make changes. The power to change is within you and is always within reach, you just have to do it.
Every small action you take can change the way you live. It may not seem like it now, but when you look back in a few years, you will be amazed at the amount of progress that you are responsible for, no one else.
In the meantime, breathe and believe that the dark times won't last forever. You are more important than them.