
Looks don't matter: 20+ little things that make a man EXTREMELY sexy

Looks don't matter: 20+ little things that make a man EXTREMELY sexy

Women are far from only looking for external beauty in men. Whoever this is news to has been living under a rock all these years. In fact, there are many other things that are high on the list of the most sought-after qualities that women look for in men!

They are not alone physical characteristics those that make a man s3ks1. Appearance is just a pebble in the mosaic sexual attraction. But what else makes men more attractive that is not related to their appearance and account balance?

20+ little things that make a man EXTREMELY sexy:

  1. He has a clean and tidy apartment.
  2. He is knowledgeable.
  3. He can fix things himself.
  4. He is kind to her family and genuinely cares for her.
  5. He is always ready to help (relatives and strangers).
  6. He can lift his womanN
  7. He carries his chosen one when her legs hurt.
  8. He knows how to cook (at least some dishes).
  9. She knows with children.
  10. It smells nice.
  11. He is funny and guesses the antics.
  12. Love your girl the way she is.
  13. When he jumps between the sheets, her orgasm is also important to him.
  14. He knows how to plan.
  15. He is the only one in society that everyone can rely on.
  16. When his woman is cold, he offers her his jacket.
  17. She buys tampons/pads at her own expense.
  18. The chosen one is the most important person in his life.
  19. He doesn't realize how sexy he really is.
  20. He is gentle during sex.
  21. He doesn't notice other women (at least not in an obvious way).
  22. He immediately falls in love with her pet.
  23. He has a dog.
  24. He doesn't respond to texts when he's on a date with a girl (at least not in the beginning).
  25. Give up your seat to a pregnant woman or an elderly person on the bus.
  26. Share compliments.
Men can be seductive in many ways!
Men can be seductive in many ways!

Do you have these trump cards? Then we can tell you, without knowing your appearance, that you are clearly seductive! 🙂

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