
Apple and Google are no longer so valued among users, according to a new survey

Tech giants Apple and Google are no longer as well received as they were in previous years. According to Harris Poll's annual Reputation Quotient survey, both companies that usually ranked in the top 10 have now experienced a drastic decline.

V research involved 25,880 participants, and its purpose is to explore and understand how the general public respects leading brands.
Apple, which ranked 5th last year, seized this year 29th place – possibly due to the battery controversy and the deliberate slowing down of older phone models. Google's reputation has also fallen. This one is on 28th place (last year at 8th), and for that you can probably 'thank' the affair with sexism and YouTuber Paul Logan.
According to reports Reuters John Gerzema, director of Harris Poll, cited the decline of these two brands lack of interesting products (although the emergence of the iPhone X could easily contradict this assumption).
The participants otherwise they value Amazon the most, and Fast Company believes it's because the company has moved away from weird computer algorithms and is perceived as a relatively safe company, which does not provide personal data.
You can view the full report here.

Harris Poll Report on Visible Brand Respect
Harris Poll Report on Visible Brand Respect

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