
Apple iPhone 15 - 2023: the future in your pocket or just another phone - these are the loudest rumors before the launch!

Apple iPhone 15

Apple iPhone 15
Photo: Midjourney / Tin Cook - iPhone 15 Pro Max

Apple's latest iPhone 15 Pro Max promises revolutionary changes, from a sleek titanium body to a camera that could replace your DSLR. But is all this true? Let's dive into the latest leaks and revelations.

September is the month of pumpkin spices, the beginning of autumn and... the presentation of the new Apple iPhone 15. Just when you thought your iPhone 14 was the coolest device in town, Apple says, "Hold my apple drink!" and introduces a new technological bomb. Of course, this is not a surprise, but everything seems to be different this year. The biggest predictor of change this year will be Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max. But is it just another phone or is it the future that fits comfortably in your pocket? Let's unravel all the secrets before the smartphone's launch itself.

Apple iPhone 15 Max will be lighter!

Bloomberg's Mark Gurman revealed some details about the size of the iPhone 15. The new titanium body promises a 10% weight reduction. At home? Your iPhone 15 Pro could weigh just 185g, down from 206g. And the iPhone 15 Pro Max? Just 216g, which means the iPhone 14 Pro feels like it's been hitting the gym a little too much.

Design renewal - Apple iPhone 15

Gone are the days of fingerprint smudges thanks to Pro's brushed titanium case. And if you've been a fan of sharp edges, it's time to get used to smooth, rounded edges. Plus, with the bezels reduced by a third, you'll get more screen to watch your favorite shows or, you know, check email.

Battery life & charging

Although Gurman didn't provide specific numbers, the new A17 Bionic chip is said to offer longer battery life than the iPhone 14 Pro. And for those of us living on the edge with 1% batteries, the iPhone 15 promises faster wireless charging. And of course USB-C.

Brand & Cameras

Rumors were about a name change to 'iPhone 15 Ultra', but it looks like we'll have to wait until the iPhone 16 for that. On the camera front, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max promise telephoto and ultra-wide cameras with more than 12 megapixels.

It is with all the enticing features iPhone 15 Pro Max ready to become a game changer. But as with every Apple launch, the question remains: Is it worth the upgrade, or will you hang on to your faithful old iPhone for another year? Only time and maybe your wallet will tell.

Prices of the new Apple iPhone 15

According to available information, the prices for the iPhone 15 series could be as follows:

  • iPhone 15: base price $799 (unchanged)
  • iPhone 15 Plus: base price $899 (unchanged)
  • iPhone 15 Pro: base price $1,099 ($100 increase)
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max: base price $1,299 ($200 increase)

It is widely speculated that the use of a titanium case, which despite its greater strength and lighter weight compared to stainless steel, was added mainly with the aim of Apple highlights the difference between its Pro and regular iPhone models.

Great and justified expectations - Apple iPhone 15

Apple is setting new milestones with its iPhone 15 Pro: edges as thin as your Monday patience, innovative casing, Thunderbolt 4 port, USB-C, and the first 3 nm smartphone chip in the A17. Oh, and who could forget that one Pro Max periscope zoom camera? Battery? Expect it to last longer than your New Year's resolutions.

And as always, Apple has that devious plan: the starting prices are like a sweet song to your wallet, but if you're willing to spend a little more, you'll get a real symphony... and maybe an apple-shaped surprise!

Footnote: Remember, even though we have information from leaks, the real thing will be when Apple officially unveils the iPhone 15. So get your popcorn ready and stay awake! The presentation is today at 19:00 CET.

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