
Apple Maps Online: Beta launch for modern explorers

Apple Maps is finally available online,

Apple Maps
Photo: Apple

Apple has launched a beta version of Apple Maps online, allowing users to access their favorite map directly from their browser. This move brings increased accessibility and new functionality that will delight all tech lovers and adventurers.

Apple Maps has finally reached the web version! This step will surely impress everyone who prefers to explore the world directly through their browsers. The beta version is already available, and it seems that Apple is serious about competing with Google Maps on all platforms this time.

Apple Maps was launched in 2012 and was initially known for many problems and inaccuracies. However, Apple has put a lot of effort and resources into improving this service over the past decade. Today, Apple Maps offers many functionalities that help users with daily navigation and exploring new places.

What does the online version bring?

The beta version of Apple Maps on the web brings many functionalities that users already know from mobile devices. Among them are:

  • Detailed maps: Including footpaths, parks, buildings and parking lots.
  • Flyover: Photo-realistic, 3D visualizations of major cities that enable virtual exploration of urban environments.
  • Landmark annotations: Special tags that enable quick search and retrieval of information about sights.

Integration with other Apple services

Apple Maps integrates seamlessly with other Apple services. For example, users can use the Apple Watch for navigation, receive alerts on a Mac, or use Siri to find directions and report traffic incidents​​.

Competition from Google Maps

Although Google Maps remains the leading service in this field, Apple has shown that it is a serious competitor with the latest improvements. The new web version is sure to attract many users, especially those who are already deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem​. Unlike Google Maps, which does not allow navigation on the Apple Watch, Apple Maps offers this functionality, which is a great advantage for users of these devices.

Future improvements

Apple announced that the beta version will gradually get new functionality and improvements, based on user feedback. They are also working towards greater coverage and better accuracy of maps.

Online version of Apple Maps is a welcome innovation that will surely impress many users. The beta is just the beginning, and while it still has a long way to go, Apple has shown that they are truly committed to improving the user experience. Now is the time for all tech enthusiasts and adventurers to try out this new functionality and help shape the future of Apple Maps.

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