
Apples with caramel

Every month we will prepare six new and interesting recipes, so follow us diligently and participate in the Jamnica prize game.

Ingridients: 6 apples, 6 wooden sticks, 300 g of sugar, 200 g of sweet cream, 150 g of butter, a pinch of Himalayan salt

Preparation: Dissolve the sugar in a slightly larger pot. During this time, boil the sweet cream and slowly add it to the dissolved sugar, stirring until the sugar and cream are combined. Remove from the heat and add more butter to dissolve in the mass, and add a little salt, which enriches the taste of the caramel. Pour the mixture over the apples, which are placed on a tray and lined with baking paper. If we want, we can "help" them in ground nuts or chocolate crumbs...let your imagination run free.

If you want to cast your vote for apples with caramel, fill out the form below.

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