
Appropriate skin care in the spring months

In spring, in addition to the wardrobe and apartment, it is necessary to refresh and prepare our skin for the change of weather with proper care. Read more about proper skin care in the spring months, so that it will glow healthily under the warm spring sun, below.

The time has finally come when we can breathe freely in a light spring wardrobe. A change in wardrobe also dictates changes in the care of our body and face. In the spring, the skin that we covered with warm clothes and smeared with greasy creams in the winter also peeks out. So let's check how, with a few simple steps, we can prepare the skin of our body and face for warmer temperatures and the spring sun's rays.

The skin is deeply cleansed with exfoliation

In winter, the skin is protected by thick clothes and heavy creams, which fight against low temperatures and strong winds. With spring comes the time when we shed the layers of clothing and breathe freely in light dresses and short sleeves. The skin thus peeks out and is caressed by the first rays of the spring sun. So that we don't wait for spring with "aging" skin, before we put on spring clothes, we deep clean it with an exfoliator, which will remove dead cells and give the skin a fresh and shiny look. You can also prepare an excellent body scrub yourself - just a few tablespoons of salt and olive oil will be enough. For face scrub, mix a few teaspoons of yogurt and wheat semolina.

Moisturize the skin abundantly after exfoliation

After deep cleansing, the skin of the whole body should be nourished and moisturized with body lotion and face cream. The skin of the face can be further pampered with nourishing hydrating face masks, which will restore the skin's shine. A face mask that will refresh the appearance of our skin can also be prepared by using egg white and lemon juice.

Spring is the time to change your face cream

The heavy and greasy creams that protected our skin from harsh weather conditions in winter are far from suitable for the light spring weather. The transition to spring should be marked by a change of face cream, which should be hydrating and light in nature. It is even better if it contains a protective factor, as this avoids the additional use of a cream with a protective factor...

In the spring, we take care of the UV protection of the skin

The sun's rays are not as kind to our skin as they are at first touch. That's why in the spring we don't forget about the protective factor, which is otherwise good to use all year round. This should be at the top of our list of skin care must-haves this spring. Nowadays, we can find high-quality make-up products on the shelves that also contain UV protection, so it's high time to treat yourself to a light cream and/or powder with a protective factor to avoid premature aging, premature wrinkles and unattractive pigmentation.

Let's take care of well-groomed lips

Rough winter weather also marks our lips, so let's brush them with a toothbrush at the transition to spring. A gentle "exfoliation" will remove excess dead skin from the lips and in combination with a lip balm will ensure their healthy appearance.

Treat yourself to a home pedicure

Before slipping into spring sandals, we also prepare our feet for this adventure. In order for them to be cared for, it is not necessarily necessary to go to a salon, but you can also prepare a pedicure yourself at home. Soak the feet in warm soapy water for a few minutes to soften the skin on the feet, then dry them well, cut the nails and remove the hard skin with a file. Apply a nourishing cream to the well-groomed feet and finish the nails as well.

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