Valentine's Day is approaching and a romantic kiss is one of the first associations we have with the holiday of lovers. On this occasion, we dug into the archives and pulled out the photos of romantic kisses from the past. Scenes rarely seen in the age of selfies remind us that a kiss is definitely one of the most beautiful things in life and much more than a way to please your girlfriend. Check out what people were once willing to do for one kiss. If that's not romantic!
A kiss used to have a lot more symbolic values, as it has today. Young people these days usually "climb" on each other, many are disgusted when they do it, but sometimes they did it more with feeling, no less passions. Showing love with a kiss in a public place did not happen until the second half of the 20th century a universal behavior pattern and it was more undesirable than desirable on the road, so the cameras did not catch much of them.
READ MORE: Best kisses of 2015: 2015 through kisses
Today, this kind of intimacy is one hundred percent penetrated into public life and probably the very time, when kissing in public was not yet universally accepted, gave an additional spice to the whole thing. This is clearly visible on these archival photos, where we see what some people were willing to do for a single male kiss, which was, of course, more than just a pair of lips locked together.