
Awkward Years Project: Did you have an awkward period growing up?

A strange time growing up

Do you remember the period between when you were a cute child and the person you are today? We are talking about those "strange" years. We all had our weird period growing up, and when we look back on it today, we can laugh and cringe. Maybe it was our style of dress, hairstyle, maybe braces. Whatever it was, we just wanted to fit into society, or secure our own space under the sun. The Awkward Years Project is a project that collects photos of people 'before and after', i.e. a photo portrait from an awkward period growing up.

When you walk around family albums, you occasionally come across photos from when you passed through a strange time growing up. You wonder what went through your head to make you feel that way desperate hairstyle, dresses ... But the school yearbook photos are nothing to be ashamed of. And it is precisely this message to the world that the website prides itself on Awkward Years Project, which encourages people to share portraits with a photo of myself during a strange period growing up and thereby show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

We all have such a picture somewhere.
We all have such a picture somewhere.

The series also serves as inspiration for young people, who are going through a difficult period to realize their potential and not let braggarts and bullies get in the way of their success.

READ MORE: The funniest 'before and after' photos

See below 'before and after' photos people who had a weird period during puberty that would make them preferring to sink into the ground out of shame today, but they grew into completely normal and successful people. Did you have a weird period too?

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