
Are you afraid to stand behind your decisions?

Photo: Henry Ravenscroft/Unsplash

Don't worry about what other people think. Stand by your decisions and believe in yourself.

Although people close to us usually have the best intentions when they give us advice, often all we need is to listen to our feelings and do what feels right.

If you can't decide in certain situations, the following may help.

1. Ask yourself what your fears are

You may compare yourself to others and value their opinions because you are afraid that something will go wrong. Do you have fears that prevent you from making your own decisions and behaving the way you think is best for you? The easiest way to deal with your fears is to write them down on a piece of paper.

When a situation arises where you would rather listen to others, ask yourself what you are afraid of. What made you afraid to accept the opportunity? What's in the background? The process will not be easy and short, but it is worth the effort, because you will finally live the way you want.

What makes you afraid? Elizeu Dias / Unsplash

2. Relax

Relaxation can lead to a better understanding of yourself. When you're overwhelmed by other people's opinions, you feel like you're not good enough or that you should behave differently, and you're afraid to accept opportunities you like because someone says otherwise.

How can you react differently?

…Focus on deep breathing and spend some time in silence or nature.
...Take a walk without your phone, observe the surroundings and breathe in the fresh air.
…Relax with yoga or more intense exercise. At that time, you usually can't think about anything but your workout and your body.
…Read, solve puzzles, something that relaxes you.
…Spend some time with your pet, which can have a therapeutic effect, but will definitely calm you down.

3. Stop and think

It's easy to get lost in the advice of others and look to them for validation. If and when this happens, you need time to think. Write down your most important values. The ones that you stick to and that usually guide you in making decisions.

Then consider which people's advice is good to follow. Write down five people you trust. How important is their opinion to you? Thinking about it will make decision making easier.

Be positive when you talk about yourself. Photo: Linas Drulia / Unsplash

4. Consider your experience

Don't be too hard on yourself. Why don't you believe that you are smart and responsible enough to make the right decision? Is your self-esteem too low to choose what makes you happy and you prefer to rely on others.

Start working on yourself, what matters is the tone of your inner voice.

You need to improve your confidence and self-esteem, which of course is easier said than done, but you have to start somewhere. You can start by saying a few compliments in your mind or out loud every day in front of the mirror and emphasizing your strengths. Then pay attention to how you tell others about yourself.

Always talk about yourself - positively.

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