
Are you cold all the time? 5 reasons why you can't keep warm

Photo: envato

Do you feel like even in the middle of summer you're always wrapped in blankets, snuggled up under layers of clothes and clutching a cup of hot tea? Many people experience the frustrating feeling of being constantly cold. In this article, we reveal the factors that keep you cold all the time and why, according to experts, you can't get warm.

Why are you cold all the time?? Feeling constantly cold can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but you can understanding the root causes helps to take action, to fix the problem. Whether it's an underlying medical condition, poor circulation, nutritional deficiencies, stress, or body composition, there are ways to combat the cold and get back to comfort. If chills despite your he persists in his efforts, you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out any serious underlying problems.

Photo: envato

1. Thyroid problems

One of the most common culprits for persistent cold is too little thyroid function, a condition known as hypothyroidism. Your thyroid gland plays a key role in regulating your body's metabolism, and when it doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, it can slow down your metabolism, leaving you feeling cold all the time. If you're experiencing cold intolerance in addition to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and dry skin, it may be time to see a healthcare professional for a thyroid evaluation.

2. Poor circulation

Inadequate blood circulation could be another reason why you are constantly cold. When your blood doesn't flow efficiently to your extremities, like your fingers and toes, they can feel persistently cold. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including sitting for long periods of time, smoking, or underlying health conditions such as diabetes. regular exercise, hydration and warm clothing they can help improve circulation and relieve the feeling of cold.

3. Nutritional deficiencies

Believe it or not, what you eat can matter affects your body's ability, to stay warm. Lack of essential nutrients, especially iron and vitamin B12, can cause anemia, a condition characterized by a reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen. Anemic individuals often have cold hands and feet, fatigue, and weakness. Providing a balanced diet with plenty of iron-rich foods such as spinach, lean meats and fortified cereals can help combat this problem.

Photo: kaboompics/Pexels

4. Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on your body, and one of the lesser-known side effects is feeling constantly cold. When your body is in constant state of readiness, which prioritizes blood flow to the organs, keeping your extremities cool. If stress is a recurring problem for you, consider practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga to calm the nervous system and improve circulation.

5. Low body fat percentage

While thinness is often associated with good health, having an extremely low body fat percentage can leave you cold all the time. Fat acts as insulation and helps preserve body warm. If you're an avid athlete or have a naturally low body fat percentage, you may need to take extra steps to stay warm, such as wearing multiple layers of clothing and eating enough calories to maintain a healthy body temperature.

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