
Quarrels between partners: 5 most common reasons for quarrels in a relationship and how to solve them

Photo: HBO

In every relationship, at some point there will be an argument. This is completely normal and in itself does not mean that you should worry, but you should be careful to resolve the misunderstanding in a correct, i.e. friendly and respectful way. We have prepared ways for you to resolve arguments between you, and we also asked what are the most common reasons for arguments in relationships.

1. Housework

On first sight House chores they may look like one less important parts of the relationship. And yet: they often become the reason for negative feelings on both sides, which still too quickly lead to arguing. This usually happens when one of the partners enters them puts in a lot more work, and others of this does not appreciate.
If you feel that this is also the case in your relationship, it is best to talk to your partner talk. We suggest that you make it together plan, which tasks you will undertake and which he will do. No way not fair, to take care of the entire household yourself.

It is important that you help each other with household chores Photo: Amina Filkins / Pexels

2. Finances

Also arguments about of money are very common in relationships. Often the cause of them lies in different habits and principles– maybe one of you loves it shopping and life is taken by the spoonful, while the other is very strict about savings and spends most of the money on future.
In this case, it is best to be with a partner let's talk, where it is important to each other they trust, as you imagine common future and what are yours financial capabilities. It helps many couples to determine a compromise, in which each of the partners allocates part of the salary for total savings.

3. Past relationships and jealousy

What if he's the cause of most of your fights jealousy? That's when it's important to clear up, do you or your partner for him good reason or originates from trust issues. If it turns out to be the other, it is important that the one of you who feels excessive jealousy, try not to let your feelings go reacts in an unhealthy way and to improve his own self-confidence.
The same applies to former partners: completely normal is that your partner loved someone else before you and you have to to accept. However, we advise that talk and clear set your boundaries. This means letting your partner know what kind relationship with ex-partners would bother you or hurt.

Sometimes the cause of jealousy is low self-esteem Photo: Athena / Pexels

4. The future

If you and your partner are in a serious relationship, it is important that you practice visions for the future they match. And this is where it often gets stuck: many people encounter a situation when one of the partners is not ready yet settle down, when one wishes to accept the opportunity v another country, When ambitions they differ too much…
First of all, it is important that you and your partner know each other they tell clearly, how you are a common future represent: the important points are joint life, service, marriage, children,.. don't forget to mention to your partner, when approximately we would like you to take the next step.
As a rule, such a conversation is followed by certain compromises and joint planning. However, think carefully: if you feel that your goals are not in any way they don't match, it is best that the union finish.

5. Fights for no reason

It sounds funny, but many couples admit that for most arguments clear reason they can't even find it. Rescues such conflicts must therefore be tackled harder.
Arguments for no real reason often point to unresolved situations, which originate from the past months, and their cause may also lie in an unhealthy way of communication. In both cases, it is best to get along well with your partner think about it and they are to themselves and to each other sincere. Then in a calm way let's talk, while trying to avoid accusing.

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