
Artistic collaboration - children draw, dad paints

Happy girl is the only picture that the "subscriber" did not like. The daughter protested that the girl in the photo definitely did not have the intended red sweater.

When the artistic talent of an adult and the creativity of a child come together, something truly wonderful can be created. In this story, the father paints what his son and daughter tell him to do.

Tatsputin is the username of a creative dad who - judging by the many positive reviews - probably won't stay hidden behind the nickname for very long. A few days ago, on Reddit, at the instigation of his wife, he presented a stunning collaboration with his children. Tatsputin spends ten days of his job outside the country each month, which amounts to three hours on a plane each month. He uses them by coloring the drawings drawn by his children, now a five-year-old daughter and a year-old son.

He started with colored pencils, later switched to the iPad and the Artstudio program, but returned to crayons. Children give him a completely free hand when coloring. Only once did he come into conflict with his daughter, when she insisted that the shirt on a certain character was not meant to be red.

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