
As dangerous as adultery: this type of deception is one of the most common reasons for divorce!

Women often can't resist her!

Lying to your partner about your finances? Concealing small purchases? Financial infidelity does not require millions, a single lie is enough and dishonesty. And this "small” the money secret has already torn up many people's partnerships.

Financial advisors Scott & Bethany Palmer lecture and advise on the impact of money on relationships. V research Citibank found that 57 percent of divorced couples cited divorce as the main reason for their divorce money problems. They found that 65 percent of women have an extra credit card or stash of cash that their partner doesn't know about. Their explanation was that they did it for “protecting their families", because they do not trust their partner to make good financial decisions for the family.

Be honest with each other and yourself and avoid the scenarios below that cause financial infidelity.

There are three here signs of financial infidelity, which you must avoid in order not to fall into the temptation of money secrets.

Huge debt

Many couples struggle with overspending and, as a result, a large amount of debt in their bank account. Many people think, why am I working if I can't afford nice things? But you have to adapt to your financial capabilities.

I need new things even though I have no money. My mother will lend me some money.
I need new things even though I have no money. My mother will lend me some money.

Looking at your financial situation, you know that an additional purchase will push you further greater debt, but you don't care. They start lying, hiding receipts, borrowing money from others to cover up lies. Vicious circle. Think to yourself: "What they don't know won't hurt them." Unfortunately, 90% honesty is still not honesty.

Stop it. STOP! Don't add to the debt. Set achievable financial goals to eliminate debt and reduce spending. Don't be unrealistic and don't lie to yourself and your partner.

Lack of planning

Lack of planning never seems to be a big problem until couples have big expenses like a house, studying, buying a car... When you reach that point in life that you need a larger amount of money, which you don't have, you realize that you could have prevented it by planning, but most people don't. So they start arguing and blaming each other.

Make a financial plan for expected and unexpected expenses.
Make a financial plan for expected and unexpected expenses.

Let's look at an example. A husband and wife were talking about saving for their child's education. My husband thought this was pointless. He never saved. When it came time for the child to go to college, there was no money. In anger, the wife sold some of their possessions without her husband's knowledge. Both committed financial infidelity. He wasn't honest because he didn't trust her that he didn't save, and she because she sold things without telling her husband.

Plan some savings for rainy days and for unexpected expenses. Collaborate!

The partner has full control over the joint finances

Financial infidelity also occurs when one person has complete control over the income. He treats his partner like a child and does not give him access to joint accounts and money.

Avoid financial infidelity with trust! So, plan a family budget, it should be clearly defined and both partners should always have an insight into it. Debt is not a relationship killer. It's dishonesty.

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