
Fresh herbs: the best herbs to grow at home

Photo: envato

Herbs are a fantastic way to add flavor to any type of food or drink. They are valued for their medicinal properties and are easy to grow at home. In this article, we reveal to you how to grow and maintain certain herbs at home.

Types of herbs

Herbs can be divided into perennials or one-year-olds depending on how long they "live". When planning and planting a vegetable garden, it is important to know which are annuals and which are perennials.

Perennial is one of those plants that grows all year round, you can also grow them in pots. These include rosemary, mint, thyme and oregano. An annual plant will complete its life cycle in one season. Annual herbs must be replanted every year. Some of the best annuals are parsley, basil, dill, marjoram and chives.

When to plant herbs

When planting perennials, you have two options: you can plant them directly in the ground or grow them in pots. Early spring is the best time to plant outdoors, but herbs can be put in the ground at any time of the year. If you decide to grow it in a glass, make sure that the plants have enough sunlight. Due to their small height, they can be placed on windowsills, terraces, balconies and verandas.

Herbs for the kitchen

Your dream kitchen is not complete without spices, and they will also brighten up your every meal. In the kitchen, you should place the plants on the kitchen window, so they will grow nicely and you will always have them within reach.

1. Rosemary

Rosemary is an essential ingredient in many savory dishes, as it is used in soups, sauces, stews, vegetable dishes, fish and meat. Plant it in well-draining soil and place it in a sunny spot. Rosemary does not like too much moisture, so do not overwater it. It has a strong root, so you need to give it enough space to grow, make sure the pot is big enough.

2. Sage

Sage is used in various savory dishes, it is suitable for sauces and various types of meat. You should plant it in well-draining soil and place it in a sunny spot. Cut the stems back by about 30 percent each fall to encourage lush new growth.

3. Thyme

It is an essential ingredient in many savory dishes, especially those originating in Italy. It should be planted in well-drained soil and placed in a sunny location. Cut it continuously and regularly so that it regenerates nicely and forms new shoots all the time. Cut its stems back by 50 percent in the fall to encourage regrowth.

4. Oregano

A pinch of this Mediterranean spice can do much more than just improve the taste of pizzas and salads. It should be planted in well-drained soil and placed in a sunny location. After flowering, cut back its stems by 30 percent to encourage growth again.

5. Mint

There are several types of mint, each with its own taste and appearance. The most popular variety is mint with pointed, jagged leaves and a well-known refreshing taste. Peppermint has longer, darker leaves and a stronger flavor and is popular in desserts. Another popular variety is apple mint, which has a subtle fruity flavor and is popular in summer drinks.

Mint is a hardy perennial that is really not worth growing from seed. It is easy to grow from root cuttings or young plants planted in spring or fall. The plant likes well-drained and fertile soil in which its roots remain moist. Mint is best grown in a pot.

Tips for herbs in a jar

You will achieve the greatest success if you use containers with adequate drainage. Most clay jars have holes for drainage. Fill them with a quality potting soil - potting mix. It may be tempting to fill pots with potting soil, but potting soil hardens quickly, reducing soil drainage and porosity. You need to water the herbs consistently. Some plants prefer well-drained soil (thyme, oregano, rosemary), others prefer more moisture (mint, coriander, lemon balm). Frequent harvesting of herbs with scissors stimulates the field's growth, so don't be afraid to use them in the kitchen and cuisine.

Herbs for the balcony

A balcony or terrace can also be a great place to grow your favorite herbs. The best thing about herbs is that they are easy to grow and take up little space. If you have a little outdoor space, these plants are also perfect for growing on the balcony. Usually, balcony temperatures are suitable for herbs most of the year, just pay more attention to your plants in winter to save them from low temperatures.

1. Parsley

Parsley is one of the best foods to grow on a balcony, as it grows well in small pots and needs only partial sunlight. Choose a place that is sunny or partially shaded. For best results, you'll need to keep the soil moist, but don't overwater the plant. It thrives best at temperatures between 5-26 °C, making it suitable for balconies.

2. Coriander

Coriander is a plant that is used both fresh and dried. The plant grows up to half a meter and has tiny white flowers at the ends of the stems. It needs a thick enough layer of soil to take root properly, which is also the reason why it is a bit more difficult to grow at home.

3. Chives

Little boy is one of the hardiest plants you can plant. They grow very well in pots. It gives a pleasant taste to soups, sauces and, of course, baked potatoes. Chives are perennial, which means that once planted, it will return year after year. It does not need much light and grows quite quickly.

Which herbs to plant together

In general, herbs that need the same environment for its growth, can also be planted together. Some need moist soil, lots of sunlight, less watering and dry soil. However, avoid planting mint with other herbs due to its invasive properties.

Mediterranean herbs they need a lot of sunlight and generally drier soil. These include rosemary, sage, oregano, marjoram, lavender and thyme. This means that you can plant all these plants together.

Herbs, who need enough moisture, moist soil and sunlight when there are parsley and basil, which can also be planted together.

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