
Astro Guide for Women: What are you looking for in a man and which astrological sign has these qualities?

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Which astrological sign is the most compassionate, which is the most physically attractive, who is the most loyal, and who is the true romantic?

A man born under the sign of fish is by far the most compassionate. He feels what you feel, if you are not happy, he is also unhappy, almost pathologically unable to be insensitive. If you like sexual diversity, excitement and danger, then the Gemini man is for you. But if you have to choose only one, Scorpio is the "Lord of Passion" of the entire horoscope.

1. I am looking for a faithful man

Which celestial sign is the most loyal?

A man born under the sign of the bull is almost certainly the most loyal. His loyalty is so strong that it can be a little scary at times! But you can only start a relationship with a Taurus if you yourself are terribly faithful, because a Taurus man will almost never forgive you for infidelity.

Cancer is somewhat less intense in its loyalty. As long as you show him respect and affection (and treat his mother well), he will be committed to you.

The lion is also known for its loyalty. However, this loyalty can diminish if you don't support him in everything he does. He will interpret this as a lack of support, and in some cases this may "allow" him to go where he shouldn't.

A man born under the sign of Libra is most likely to get married for the wrong reasons, chief among them being the fear of loneliness.

If you have to choose only one, choose a bull because loyalty is at the core of his nature.

2. I'm looking for a man I can rely on

Which celestial sign is the most reliable?

A man born under the sign of Aries likes to see himself as a prince on a white horse. He loves situations where he can solve things, and it makes him very happy.

A man born under the sign of the bull is reliable, but only if he is absolutely crystal clear about what it is about. Sometimes it can also be a little slow to perceive, occasionally it is also insensitive. But when he knows where you want him, when and why, he'll be there. Although you may need to write instructions for it.

Cancer is undoubtedly the most reliable. His family comes first and he takes his duties very seriously. As long as you are on good terms with his mother, you will not find a better support to rely on!

If by "reliable" you mean "organized," look no further than the Virgo man. He will remember every important date and organize his work and personal life in such a way that he can adapt better. Surely you have never heard a virgin say that she forgot something.

If you have to choose only one, choose cancer, this is above all the most reliable sign.

3. I am looking for a gentle man

Which celestial sign is the sweetest and gentlest?

A man born under the sign of fish is by far the most compassionate. He feels what you feel. If you are not happy, he is also unhappy. He is almost pathologically incapable of being insensitive.

Of all the signs, a man born under the sign of a virgin values kindness the most. In his opinion, this is the most important human quality. This kindness extends to all the people he meets, not just his friends, partner and family. He really can't stand any cruelty.

If you have to choose just one, you may be in a dilemma. Both Virgo and Pisces will be incredibly kind and gentle with you. Nevertheless, a man born under the sign of fish can be a little too hungry for love and attention, that's why choose a virgin.

4. I am looking for a man with a good sense of humor

Which zodiac sign has the best sense of humor?

Of all the signs of the zodiac, a man born under the sign of Leo likes to laugh the most. He has a very sophisticated sense of fun and was born with a twinkle in his eye. If you're thinking about where to have your first date, you can't go wrong by taking him to a stand-up comedy show.

A lion behaves like it is on stage all its life. He loves nothing more than an appreciative audience and will do anything to make you laugh. Of course, this can get a bit tiresome after a while!

A man born under the sign of Aquarius is extremely cheerful and humorous. He can find the funny side in everything.

If you have to pick just one, it is a lion who will make you laugh to tears.

5. I am looking for an intelligent man

Which zodiac sign is the most intelligent?

A man born under the sign of Capricorn is likely to be the most educated. This is not necessarily the result of a natural, God-given mind. This is probably the result of sheer determination. Capricorn does not like to be in second place, even in education.

Capricorn cares a lot about what others think, so for him all the letters that stand before his name are very important.

A man born under the sign of Virgo is most likely to be educated and cultured. If you're looking for someone to talk philosophy with until the wee hours of the morning, then look no further. Such a man will have a quote for every occasion.

If you have to pick just one, this should be it a man born under the sign of virgo. His intellect is full of fascinating observations and erudition.

6. I am looking for a passionate man

Which star sign is the most passionate?

We think you probably already know the answer to that! Scorpio. Of all the zodiac signs, none is more associated with passion than Scorpio. For a Scorpio, sexuality is not separate - it is the point where you have to find everything: love, passion, leisure, exploration and fun.

A man born under the sign of Aries has a raw, rough energy. If you're looking for someone to do the talking, then this is the man for you.

If you like sexual diversity, excitement and danger, then the Gemini man is for you.

If you have to choose only one, it's a scorpion. He is the "Lord Passion" of the entire horoscope!

7. I am looking for a man who will listen to me

Which celestial sign is the most attentive?

A man born in Cancer is undoubtedly the person who will listen to you most attentively. You can be sure that he will sit still while you talk about whatever is bothering you.

A Pisces man is the most compassionate of all the men in the horoscope and will most likely empathize with what you have to say. At the right moment, he will nod his head and give you an empathetic look when you reveal your pain or humiliation.

If you have to choose just one, you are once again in a dilemma. It all depends on what you want. If you are looking for someone quiet who will just listen to you, choose a man in the sign of cancer. If you want someone to express feelings along with you, then it should be a man born in the sign of fish.

8. I'm looking for a good, old-fashioned romance

Which zodiac sign is the most romantic?

If we're talking classic, old-fashioned romance (he opens the door for a woman, gives her his jacket when she's cold, etc.), then it has to be an Aries. He sees himself as 'the man' in every relationship. He is aware of the duties that come with his gender.

A man born under the sign of Scorpio always keeps the spark in the relationship. As such, he will be excited when things are fresh and interesting. This is the sign most likely to surprise you with gifts and romantic gestures out of all the celestial signs.

Men born under the sign of Pisces are the most romantic when it comes to flowers, candlelit dinners, etc. His sense of romance does not come from duty (as you might say in the case of an Aries) and he is not blinded by lust (which can easily be said for a Scorpio), it is romance for the sake of romance.

If you have to pick just one, it wins Pisces man. There is no ulterior motive, his romantic gestures are woven into every aspect of his being.

9. I am looking for a handsome man

Which sign is the most physically attractive?

A man born under the sign of Libra is almost always traditionally handsome. In general, it has a good body constitution and very symmetrical features. An athletic figure is not uncommon. She has a very natural grace.

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius has "that something" that makes women lose their minds, but they can't pinpoint what it is. Whether it's the glint in his eyes or just his smile, there's something about him.

A man born under the sign of Capricorn has a well-shaped face with lips that look like they were created by God only for the purpose of kissing.

A man born under the sign of Scorpio will either turn you away immediately, or you will never be able to stop thinking about him. It will be anything but the usual no. But if it tickles your fancy, you won't be able to take your eyes off it.

If you have to choose only one, make it a capricorn! It looks great, God has really been generous.

10. I am looking for an elegant, sophisticated man

Which zodiac sign dresses best?

A man born under the sign of Aries is almost always appropriately dressed. So if you see someone wearing the right outfit for a certain situation, it's more than likely they're an Aries.

A man born in Cancer likes to buy clothes, pays attention to his style and all the details.

A Leo-born man exhibits many of the same qualities on the surface as a Cancer-born man. The only difference is that Cancer likes to shop for clothes, while Leo simply wants to be adored.

If you have to pick just one and believe that clothes make the man, this is it cancer. He loves clothes and unlike most men, he won't complain if you take him shopping!

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