
Astrological influences in October: 4 dates in October that will greatly affect our relationships

Photo: envato

In October, four key dates await us, full of planetary movements that will mark our love paths. Which days will the astrological influences be strongest?

As the month progresses, their intensity and energies will intensify and thus also astrological influences. After several months of retrograde activity, the planets they finally calm down, but at the same time the scale brings balance. Nevertheless, the sky will not be calm, as they await us in October important transits.

October began with the charming energy of Libra, which awakens us the desire to connect with its social side and strengthening relationships with others. Rescue time is on the horizon conflicts, which disturb inner peace.

The first weeks of October will be dominated by the energy of Libra, with an emphasis on partner relationships, harmony and the search for beauty and symmetry. This will help smooth out some relationship issues, allow us to reflect on the pros and cons of the decisions we have to make, and establish a successful balance.

When do astrological influences occur in October?

Enjoy October! Photo: Dejan Krstevski / Pexels

October 9 – Venus enters Virgo

Venus has been in the lively sign of Leo since June 5, which is an unusually long period for the planet of love. But now it's time to make a move as she enters Virgo. It will bring us down-to-earthness, practicality and simplicity in relationships. Instead of flashy gestures, the expression of affection will become more basic and essential.

October 11 – Mars in Scorpio

The red planet will be especially strong in the deep mysterious waves of the water sign of Scorpio. Expect more pronounced emotional impulses, more decisive decisions and a greater desire for power.

Photo: Josh Willink / Pexels

October 14 – Lunar eclipse

The Sun and Moon will align in Libra to form an intense yet healing Lunar Eclipse. It symbolizes a new beginning and requires us to accept that some things come to an end. After all this, we will feel a sense of liberation.

October 23 – The Sun enters Scorpio

From October 23, the Sun will be joined by Mars in Scorpio, which means that emotional intensity will be at the fore. It can inspire us to dig beneath the surface and face our fears. Transformation requires courage, and the energy of Scorpio will help us in this.

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