
Astrological signs from best friend to worst: Scorpios are the most protective of their people

Who can be a great friend and who can turn you down quickly?

Astrologers believe that some astrological signs have a greater ability to please their friends than others. Here's a list of characters ranked from best friend to worst.


Libra is the friendliest and calmest of all the signs. They will never hurt you on purpose. They believe in karma, so they always try and do their best. Libras are very good people. They will always do what is asked of them without asking for anything in return.


They are the most interesting of all signs. They are ranked second by the fact that they highly value trust and loyalty. Once they know they can trust you, they'll have your back and be there for you. They understand people deeply.


Pisces is the most emotional of all signs. They are truly the most empathetic of all and can feel the pain you are experiencing simply because of the connection they can create. As friends, they will go above and beyond what is asked of them and will always put you first.



What's interesting about Gemini is that as Pisces they are deep thinkers and sensitive. But like Libras, they are also very sociable and communicative. This makes them great friends because you can talk to them about anything and have fun while doing it.


Leo is the most complex and grounded sign of the horoscope. They have this ability to make people fall in love with them easily, even their friends. Sami is the friend everyone wants because their heart is truly sincere and when they find someone they can relate to, your life is so much better.


They require their friends to be able to trust them. They may seem rough at first, but once you get to know them, they are sensitive. They just don't know how to show feelings, but they will be there for you when things get tough. They have a short fuse, so you can often find yourself in an argument.



He doesn't have many friends and isn't the most sociable. They would rather have just a few friends they know they can count on. They really think deeply about things and sometimes get lost in their own world that even their closest friends can't enter.


They are the most "weird" of all the characters, but you will have fun with them. They live their lives and don't care what people think. You will quickly lose them at a party because they like to wander. They will convince you that you are phenomenal, which they truly believe.


It takes a long time for them to start trusting people and they push many away. They always give twice as much as they get.



They are fearless, carefree and really good and loyal friends. But they are very stubborn. It's hard to get them to do something they don't want to do.


The wittiest of all the signs, but they also bring trouble. They tend to come up with some really bad ideas and make bad decisions, so you can run into trouble with them.

A virgin

They have a hard time making friends because they can be selfish and have a short fuse. They only look at themselves too much.


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