
Astrology reveals what your spirit animal is and what power it gives you

Reconnecting with our inner spirit animal is a way to wake up from our slumber and feel alive again. The purpose of your spirit animal is to alert you to what is inside you, that part of you that has never wanted to be anything but free.

While your astrological sign symbolizes the importance of your purpose in life, your a spirit animal reflects your natural, authentic way of operating and teaches you how to manifest it. The spiritual animal is a spontaneous part of every human being that never leaves us - we are born and die with it.

The spirit animal of Aries is the wolf - with it he reveals his inner strength.

Wolves represent growth, trust, caring, instinct, intuition and adaptability. The wolf learns how to avoid unnecessary conflicts. These predators trust their instincts and are not afraid to act. The wolf reminds you and reconnects you to your wild part and reminds you that you are in charge of your life.

The bull's spirit animal is the pig - this is how bulls learn how to enjoy abundance.

Pigs are a symbol of wealth, happiness, determination, prosperity and fast movement. The Greek goddess Demeter had a sacred pig, which became a symbol of fertility. Pigs are intelligent and friendly. They know how to please and when they are free they explore and enjoy.

Gemini's spirit animal is the swallow - this is how they learn how to look at life from a different perspective and how to change direction.

Swallows have impressive acrobatic skills that they display in flight when they hunt insects. They symbolize speed, problem solving, happiness, self-awareness and connection. Just one look at the swallows will bring new knowledge, playfulness and joy to the twins.

The Spirit Animal of Cancer is Salmon - it teaches Cancer how to find their true home and who they truly belong to.

Salmon during spawning is a symbol of spiritual development. It teaches you how to be strong, how not to give up and how not to always go with the flow. It teaches you that it is important to know your roots, but also that you need to leave the past behind, grow up and move on.

The spirit animal of crustaceans is the salmon.

Leo's spirit animal is the kingfisher - it teaches them how to trust themselves and follow their heart.

Aquarius knows when to take action, when to fly directly into an activity, and when it's enough to simply love. Aquarius is associated with warmth, the sun, devotion and love.

Virgo's spirit animal is the raven - they are extremely smart.

Like Ravens, Virgos are analytical and decisive. Balancing their thoughtful and tender side, their loyalty is unwavering. Ravens enjoy life, as do virgins who, following their example, must spread their wings and soar.

Libra's spirit animal is the dove - it teaches them how to find balance between extremes.

It is Aphrodite's animal, symbolizing peace, beauty, hope and love. His singing is melodious and reminds Libra to find inner balance.

Scorpio's spirit animal is the crocodile - it teaches him how to connect with his primal energy and unleash his powers.

Crocodiles are considered guardians and discover how to delve deeper into the search for truth, even if it is hidden. The crocodile teaches you how to unleash your potential and how to manage the cycles of creation and destruction.

Scorpio's spirit animal is the crocodile.

Sagittarius' spirit animal is the deer - it teaches them about the greatness of their own nature.

The deer symbolizes strength, energy, passion, nobility and wisdom. It reflects optimism, gratitude and a good sense of life. It teaches you how to continue the journey and that walking calmly forward is the best choice.

Capricorn's spirit animal is the bear - it teaches them how to take life into their own hands.

When the bear stands tall, it instills respect in it, and this teaches Capricorn how to discover their most complete and strongest part of themselves. The bear teaches you how to follow your vision, how to stay grounded and how to be confident in what you do. The bear encourages you to stand up for yourself and, if necessary, for others.

Aquarius' spirit animal is the zebra - it teaches him how to stay true to himself and still be part of a group.

Zebra symbolizes individuality, agility, speed and objective knowledge. Zebra helps Aquarius to be creative and encourages him to experiment and discover secrets.

The spirit animal of Pisces is the lizard - it helps them slow down and create new realities.

The lizard spends a lot of time alone, teaching you about the blessings of solitude. The lizard helps Pisces break free from the grip of the past, listen to their intuition and pay attention to their dreams.

The spirit animal of fish is the lizard.

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