
Astrology reveals when men do not have serious intentions with you

Photo: Dainis Graveris / Pexels

Wondering if the man you like is only into games between the sheets? Do you have a strange feeling, considering all his touches, looks, words? We reveal to you the signs that will tell you if he really only wants one.

They are signs that tell very eloquently that the man with whom you got involved in a relationship does not want a serious relationship from you, but only sexual intercourse. So what are the indications that he only has you for bed pleasures and that he most likely has no more serious intentions with you?


They like your half-dressed photos on social media. Before that, they didn't even notice you when they met.


They text you late at night. At the last second, they invite you over and take you straight to the bedroom, under the pretext that it's more comfortable to watch a movie there.


When they meet, regardless of whether you are sitting or standing, they come very close to you, so close that they do not touch you. They become sensitive. They get extremely upset when you tell them you're on your period or that you're not in the mood for sex.


They keep telling you how bored they are and how empty their bed is. They complain that they are lonely and that they do not know how to live alone.


They never look you in the eye. When you approach them, they stare at your cleavage. When you leave, they stare at your butt. Their look is too eloquent.

Photo: Lola Russian / Pexels

A virgin

They only meet one on one, and only at night. They only hang out when it's his idea. No one knows that you even know each other, because you hide your relationship from others.


They treat you to a drink or invite you to their home for a party or dinner, regardless of the fact that they have only known each other for 5 minutes. They never call you by your real name.


They turn every conversation to sex. Their jokes are tinged with sexuality. Every compliment they give you is about your body.


They send you shirtless selfies. They ask you to send them your pictures. They only talk to you through social media.


They kiss you when they're drunk. They tell you that they are not currently looking for a serious relationship, but they admit that they want to sleep with you.


They only flirt with you when they are bored. They only remember you when they are lonely. They only flirt with you when you are the only person in the room, otherwise they ignore you.


They don't want to cuddle. They ask you to leave as soon as you finish having sex. They never call you back.

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